Contact Us
920 E. Northfield Rd, Springfield, MO 65803
Phone: 417-693-1084
Email: dave.myhomeinspector@gmail.com
Contact Us
920 E. Northfield Rd, Springfield, MO 65803
Phone: 417-693-1084
Email: dave.myhomeinspector@gmail.com
Whether it is a periodic inspection performed by local government or a planned inspection aimed at being proactive in ensuring top quality of the facility, an inspection is nonetheless a stressor for commercial building owners and managers. And while many industrial steel buildings and other innovative commercial construction types score high marks for durability, there […]
Unfortunately, in many areas of the United States, natural disasters are common. On the coastlines you have hurricanes, in the midwest there are tornadoes, and out west, you’ve got earthquakes. If a disaster were to occur, your home might sustain damage. Occasionally, these damages can be fixed, but sometimes you have to demolish and rebuild […]
What Are The Important Considerations at a Home Inspection? The home inspection is one of the most important items to pay attention to when it comes to buying a new home. It will give you the low down on the most important systems and aspects of the property you are considering investing in. The inspection […]