Tips and Advice For Protecting Your Home From Water Damage

Water is one of the most corrosive substances on Earth, able to wear down stone and destroy wood: so it’s vital that you do everything you can to protect your property. Whether you’re buying your first home and you want to make sure you pick one that has the right protection, or you’re working on updating your current home to handle the tests of time, it’s important that you make sure your property is waterproof. 

These are the top ways to protect your home from moisture.

Ensuring Your Landscape Drains

Landscape Drainage is vital to anyone who wants their property to be moisture-free. Not only can an abundance of moisture in your soil cause land slippage, but going without landscape drainage grates can also lead to water rising high enough to damage your home, driveway, and other property. Take the time to look at where water gathers and create a solution by making drains that will allow gravity to naturally pull this water down and away from your home over time.

Waterproofing Concrete

Concrete and water don’t get along. If moisture gets in, it can cause cracks, which will get larger and worse over time. It’s vital you avoid this issue by waterproofing concrete walls in your basement and whatever other spaces you have. If you allow any water to get in through cracks, it can damage everything from your flooring to any equipment or storage you have in your basement, so it’s vital that you take care of this as soon as possible.

Using the Right Paint

Although some may assume water is bad for any paint, if you use moisture-resistant paint, you’ll be able to protect your home while still letting it look good. Not all paints are moisture-resistant, so when shopping, especially for outdoor, bathroom, and basement spaces: ensure that you’re seeking out a paint that’s been rated to work in high moisture areas and has good reviews for being moisture-proof. You can still find almost any color or finish you want; just pay attention to the fact that it’s moisture resistant, and you’ll be good to go. 

Maintenance of Roof and Gutters

Your roof and gutters are one of the most important parts of your property. Its main job is to keep the elements out while diverting water away from your home. To carry this out, you need to make sure your roof is always in good condition. If you allow debris to build on your roof or wood shingles to break off and invite water inside, you’ll quickly find that your attic and home can gather far more mold and rot than you could affordably deal with. Maintain your roof to avoid this issue.

Updating Your Window Wells

If your home has any rooms underground, chances are you’ll have window wells that extend underground to allow light into these spaces. Unfortunately, if they don’t drain well, or they’re not covered, you’ll quickly notice they gather water like no other space. The main goal of these wells is to prevent water damage to your basement while also giving occupants an escape route during an emergency. Make sure your window well can handle moisture and is built to help divert it away. 

Extending Downspouts Away From Home

Downspouts are a vital part of any property that has to handle a lot of rain, but if they’re too close to the home, they might not be doing as much good as you want them to. Instead of allowing them to flood your home or cause deep grooves in the ground where they let out water, it’s a good idea to extend your downspouts and help them carry moisture further away from your property to avoid this corrosion.

Seal Any Basement Wall Cracks

Cracks are bad for any home, but they’re worse for properties dealing with moisture issues. If your basement or exterior has cracks, it’s important that you fill cracks in concrete and ensure they’re safe from water as soon as possible. Repair cracks by first ensuring they’re moisture-free and then filling them with a material that works well with the original material. From here, sand it down until it’s smooth, and apply a pmma coating to ensure no further moisture makes its way through. 

Adding an Underground Drain or Sump Pump System

The most important thing any homeowner can do to protect their property from moisture is to give it somewhere to go. If you leave the water to its own devices, it’ll gather and groove paths out of whatever materials it’s running against, causing damage and eventually mold and rot. Using underground drainage or a sump pump, you can pull the water down and out, using gravity to guide the water where you want it to go: and get it away from your home.

Moisture Can Damage Anything Quickly

Over time moisture can destroy almost anything. From rotting wood to corroding brick and cracking concrete, it’s one of the most destructive forces: take steps to protect your home from it soon. Having your home inspected is a great way to start towards discovering and repairing those areas which may allow water to enter your home, give us a call today!


Brian Jeffries is the content director for the Innovative Building Materials blog and a content writer for the building materials industry. He is focused on helping fellow homeowners, contractors, and architects discover materials and methods of construction that save money, improve energy efficiency, and increase property value. 

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